Tag Archives: Musings

Hello From The Cotswolds

the cotswolds

Greeting from the Cotswolds where I have been since Monday evening and which I leave on Friday to make my way a little further south to stay with old friends for the weekend before returning home via Somerset. When I booked my five-day stay here it seemed liked a goodly spell to spend in this ravishingly pretty corner of England but I now realize it’s only just enough time to get a quick peek at some of the many attractions the area has to offer.

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Filed under Musings, Travel

Signed, Sealed and Delivered

moving house

I started house hunting at a gentle pace late last year and more frantically this spring as by then there was ample evidence that a moribund for several years Dublin housing market had sprung Lazarus-like back to life and I started to worry that I was about to be priced out of it.

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Filed under Musings

My Week



This week Ireland hit the meteorological jackpot, the weather has been glorious with: crystalline blue skies, the gently whir of soft coastal breezes and a warm vibrant sun casting a glittery glow over everything. I love these balmy days but my favourite time is not when the sun is high in the sky but when it begins to dip and day starts to dissolves into inky night.

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Filed under London, Musings

Reading and Writing (no Arithmetic)

henry jame's portrait of a lady

I have recently finished reading Henry James’s ‘The Portrait of a Lady’; it’s the very first Henry James novel I’ve tackled *hangs head in literary shame*. It’s the current choice of my book club and as we meet only every other month there’s lots of notice about forthcoming books so they shouldn’t be time-pressured reads.

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Filed under Books, Musings

The 5:2 Diet


I think I mentioned before on JAA that I don’t do dieting. Mostly because I don’t believe diets work. Although I am not hippopotamus-heavy, I am a fraction well ok more than a fraction above my ideal weight and I am sad that a great deal of the nicer clothes in my wardrobe don’t fit because I bought them when I was slimmer.

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Filed under Food/Wine, Musings

An Instagrammed January and a Blogging Break


January was a chilly month unless, of course, you live in the Southern Hemisphere. Chilly is relative but used as I am to Ireland’s temperate climate I felt the cold bite as temperatures dropped to zero or a little below. Brrr.

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Filed under Musings

Christimas. Carnations. Prejudice

red carnations

I am not sure of the genesis of my somewhat irrational dislike of carnations but I am reasonably certain that my carnation prejudice couldn’t be innate. The best I could come up with was that at some impressionable age I had read one of those lists which decree what’s cool and what’s not and that the list had declared flower-wise that carnations were totally infra dig. Or maybe I just didn’t like the look of them. Of course the fact that the ubiquitous carnation is a staple in deli-counter and garage bunches of flowers has probably not helped their case. So, for me, a perfectly lovely bunch of flowers which had one or two carnations woven through became a thing of non-beauty once I spotted said carnations.

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Filed under Musings

A Common Cold = A Restful Sunday


Eeek, eeek, and thrice eeek I haven’t posted on the blog for almost a week! I could claim in mitigation that I have been laid low with a dose of the dreaded lurgy. But I can’t. I can’t because all that ails me is a common cold and because truth be told I am not properly sure what ‘the lurgy’ dreaded or otherwise is.

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Filed under Musings

The List Book

I wish I was super organized, never forgetting anything, with everything I need for daily life neatly labelled, properly filed, or even just simply in its rightful place. As I say it’s a wish the reality is slightly a lot different.

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Filed under Musings

Dieting and Detoxing (sort of)

Dieting apparently makes you fat and yes I mostly agree that it does. But, I also think the only sure-fire way to lose weight is to eat less. And lose some weight I must. It’s not that I am an uber-tubby heffalump, just that some of my winter clothes don’t fit me anymore – exhibit A is a much-loved black jacket that maddeningly I am no longer able to button up. I know that a horrid malign fairy hasn’t cast a malicious spell which caused my clothes to shrink. Rather I have eaten too much or I should say too much of the wrong sorts of food – exhibits B to Z are various slices of cake mostly of the coffee kind. So what I need to do is to change my eating habits to healthier ones and hopefully in the process lose a little weight.

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Filed under Healthy Living, Musings