Tag Archives: UNESCO City of Literature

Dublin: UNESCO City of Literature and a New Stamp

unesco city of literature stamp

When I walk Dublin’s grey-flecked flagstone pavements I am only dimly aware of the ghostly echo of the literary giants who once trod those selfsame routes. The roll call of the great and good of Irish writers of yore who have connections with Dublin is lengthy: Jonathan Swift, Oliver Goldsmith, Oscar Wilde, George Bernard Shaw, Samuel Beckett, W.B. Yeats, James Joyce …

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Filed under Books, Culture, Dublin, Ireland

Irish Writers’ Centre

Irish Writers' Centre

A couple of Saturdays ago when I was in Parnell Square visiting the Dublin City Gallery I popped into the Irish Writers’ Centre, which is a few buildings down from the gallery, to pick up a leaflet giving details of their creative writing classes. Such was the pull of the place that there and then I signed on the dotted line for membership.

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Filed under Culture, Dublin

♥ James Joyce: Ulysses & Lemon Soap

Ulysses, Leopold Bloom, James Joyce,  lemon soap, Sweny's pharamacy

One of the book clubs that I am a member of has as the current book choice James Joyce’s Ulysses. Deep breath. Neill Smith says on the BBC’s website “the book has fascinated scholars and baffled readers for decades with its dense prose, obscure puns and allusions to the characters and events of Homer’s epic Greek poem The Odyssey.” Deeper breath.

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Filed under Books, Dublin, Interiors