Tag Archives: Where to eat in London

Coffee in London: Ottolenghi

Ottolenghi exterior

Ottolenghi is by now a bit of a culinary cliché. I don’t mean that in any bad way – just that it has been so talked and written about that it seems as familiar as soft falling rain. In case you haven’t heard of it, the phenomena that is Ottolenghi is a set of four food shops in central London run by Yotam Ottolenghi and Sami Tamimi. The shops are in Islington, Belgravia, Notting Hill and Kensington; the Islington branch is also a full restaurant, the Belgravia and Notting Hill branches have small communal eating-in areas at the back of the shops and Kensington which is the smallest shop serves take-out food only.

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Filed under Coffee, Food/Wine, London, Restaurants/Cafés, Travel

Coffee in London: Orrery Epicerie

Orrery Epicerie, Marylebone High Street

I have no idea how many establishments there actually are in London where it is possible to buy a coffee. However I suspect if they were all slammed together into one linear-mile-long street that to fit them all in the buildings on the imaginary street would, like a miniature version of Manhattan, be sky-high. When I was in London recently, despite the plethora of choice for a caffeine fix, I ended up returning to the Orrery Epiciere on Marylebone High Street, partly because I was in the area but mainly because the last time I was there the coffee was a model of perfect velvet-y smoothness.

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Filed under Coffee, London, Restaurants/Cafés, Travel

♥ Sotheby’s Café London

Sotheby's Cafe

If you are close to New Bond Street in central London and looking for somewhere to have a coffee (or lunch), I would strongly recommend Sotheby’s café.  In fact even if you are not nearby, it is well worth a detour.

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Filed under Coffee, London, Restaurants/Cafés, Travel