Tag Archives: Irish Design Shop

Christmas on The Square: Pop-Up Shop

christmas on the square

As Christmas fast approaches my native land is not exactly a place high on hope as the dastardly pantomime villain Economic Woe and his evil side-kick Recession hold fast their icy grasp on this fiscally challenged isle. A troika of wise (?) men visit us regularly but instead of bearing gifts of gold (if only) frankincense and myrrh they bring instead directives for the implementation of austerity measures from their (and our!) masters at the IMF. Yet, despite all that, when I went, this Saturday, to visit the pop up shop that was part of Christmas on the Square I came away filled with hope.

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Filed under Craft, Designers, Dublin

The List Book

I wish I was super organized, never forgetting anything, with everything I need for daily life neatly labelled, properly filed, or even just simply in its rightful place. As I say it’s a wish the reality is slightly a lot different.

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Filed under Musings

Ursula Celano Notebook: Girls on Bikes

ursula celano notebook

The weather on Monday  was ark-appropriate: for ark-appropriate read insanely wet, wild and windy. So, I was in need of something cheering to take my mind off the incessant rain and the ubiquitous grey mist. And I found just the thing when I called into the Irish Design Shop’s branch in the RHA (Royal Hibernian Academy) and bought an Ursula Celano notebook which has an utterly charming cover a bit of which you see in the image above.

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Filed under Craft, Designers, Ireland, Musings, Shops/Shopping

Snapshots of my Saturday

I often, thought not invariably, work on Saturdays. However, today was a work-free Saturday so I decided to go into town, town is as I mentioned before, is what the denizens of Dublin call their metropolis despite the fact that it’s a city.

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Filed under Dublin, Food/Wine, Restaurants/Cafés, Shops/Shopping

♥ Last Minute Christmas Shopping

Irish Design Shop

This is the last of the pre-Christmas shopping posts.  I won’t go through the whole preamble again but will just say, as a quick reminder, that the emphasis in this series of posts is on: craft, home/handmade items, and independent shops.  If you are entering the final run up to Christmas with some present shopping left to do, it would of course be lovely to stumble on a shop where you could scoop up diverse items to match all the gaps on your list.  The Irish Design Shop, which carries a large range of items spanning different craft disciplines, is that sort of shop.  Below are a few of the items they stock that caught my eye.

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Filed under Craft, Dublin, Shops/Shopping