Tag Archives: Photography

Photography Course. So Far …

light in a studio

I am now officially a full-time student as I started my year-long photography course in September.

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Filed under Musings, Photography

Second Sight: The David Kronn Photography Collection

second sight david kronn

In a little short of two weeks, from now, I start my full-time photography course. My feelings about my forthcoming studies are dual in that I am eagerly anticipating them and yet am apprehensive about my ability to wrap my brain around the theoretical aspects of photography.

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Filed under Culture, Dublin, Photography

So pleased …

yellow flowers

Filling in the online application was as easy as gliding down an oiled slide. I was applying for a place, at a College of Further Education, to do a year’s full-time course in photography: the college’s website said that selection was by interview and I knew that was going to be the difficult bit.

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Filed under Musings, Photography

In which I reflect on my learning style

june sunset

I have my best learning experiences ‘learning’ things I don’t actually need to know. In other words I seem to have an endless capacity to amass trivial and relatively unimportant pieces of information. These spin around my mind like a whirligig and are usually readily accessible, when needed. They seldom are. Random example: should anyone want to know what the relationship is between the editor of Italian Vogue and the owner of the Milanese gallery/shop 10 Corso Como I can readily supply the answer: they are sisters – Franca Sozzani (magazine editor) and Carla Sozzani (shop owner).

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Filed under Musings, Photography

Photography Workshop on a Farm

photographic workshop with suzanne crampton

Not having set foot in Kilkenny city or county for over nine years it was a tad strange to find myself there, like a homing pigeon who had temporarily shifted its domicile, three times in as many months this year. What is the Universe trying to tell me? The first two trips were tenuously related: I was in Kilkenny city in late February with friends and I returned in March to collect a small piece of pottery I bought at an exhibition on that earlier trip.

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Filed under Photography, The Universe

Looking Forward to 2013

scotsman bay sandycove dublin

It’s a week since the bells pealed to ring out the old year and in the new one; we are now a few paces over the border and in the foothills of 2013. And so we have started another annual three hundred and sixty-five day march up hill and down dale as we seesaw across the scattered peaks and troughs that will surely litter the landscape of our lives this coming year.

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Filed under Musings

An Instagrammed October

October swished by very quickly like a speed skater slicing across the ice. I spend the first three weeks of the month anticipating my holiday in Italy and the last week of said month enjoying it.

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Filed under Musings, Photography

Dublin: Vintage Photographs

One of the things I like about the photography class I recently enrolled in is that the subject is taught in the round. By that I mean the class is not just about the technical aspects of photography but instead takes an overview of the subject. For that I am truly grateful as in truth two and a half hours of tech detail every Tuesday evening would rapidly turn my brain to a mushy pea consistency.

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Filed under Dublin, Ireland, Photography

Photography Class

iadt dublin

One of the things on my to do list this year was to enroll in a photography class with a view to improving the images I take for the blog. I did attend a short set of classes earlier in the year but I was out of my depth and I struggled with trying to grasp concepts such as ISO and f-stops which the others in the classes seemed to understand instinctively, so the impact of the classes on bettering my photography was minimal.

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Filed under Musings

An Instagrammed July

I wonder what twenty-second century social historians will make of us when they trawl through the zillions of words and images posted on a mass of nascent social media sites these past few years. Will they beleive it gives them an accurate picture of our lives in the opening decades of this century?

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Filed under Musings, Photography