Tag Archives: Dublin

Arran St East Shop and Studio


Until quite recently I worked weekends which meant I often missed interesting events as more often than not they were scheduled for Saturdays and Sundays when the majority of folk were off work.

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Filed under Craft, Dublin, Shops/Shopping

Coffee Chez Max

dublin's chez max

I am back slightly later than I said I would be. Mea culpa!

The Tuesday before last, the 14th July, was the French National Day: La Jour de Bastille. Its celebration is many degrees different from St Patrick’s Day. Whereas our national day is: party central, a riot of all things green, and, for some, an excuse for a monumental piss-up; Bastille Day is, in contrast, celebrated in a more sombre way, the highlight being a carefully curated set piece military parade down the Champ Elysees.

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Filed under Celebrations, Coffee, Dublin, Food/Wine, Restaurants/Cafés

Dublin: The Cross Café

the cross cafe

Painting by John Boyd

When I first heard about the Cross Café, a myriad of months ago, I thought that it sounded ‘just so’ and exactly the type of place I would like. At the time I mentally filed its name and location thinking I really must visit it some time soon. Then the weeks leapfrogged into months and the months into almost a year so I only got to try the Cross Café a few weeks ago. I was not disappointed: in an ideal world it’s the sort of café that every neighbourhood should have.

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Filed under Coffee, Dublin, Food/Wine, Restaurants/Cafés

Retail Therapy of the Spending Kind and Some Cake

wendy crawford's shop

Feeling in need of something to cheer me up I headed to the city centre for a spot of retail therapy. I say of the spending kind because as often as not I am as happy to browse as I am to buy.

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Filed under Cake, Coffee, Dublin, Fashion, Restaurants/Cafés, Shops/Shopping

Breakfast at Brother Hubbard

capel street cafe brother hubbard

I had heard a lot about Brother Hubbard a café on Dublin’s Capel Street, all of it good, but I had not sampled even a cup of coffee there before this weekend

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Filed under Coffee, Food/Wine, Restaurants/Cafés

Good Value Eating Out in Dublin: The Hot Stove

the hot stove restaurant

Note: apologies for the quality of the images – a smudge on my camera’s lens have left them blurry.

Light years ago, well light years in blogging terms, but in reality only last July (still a longish time) I wrote a post on good value eating out in Dublin in which I said that said post was the first in an occasional series but as it’s only now that I am writing a second post it’s obviously going to be a very intermittent series.

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Filed under Dublin, Food/Wine, Restaurants/Cafés

Dublin: An Afternoon in Howth

the cliffs howth

There are a myriad of things that endear my native Dublin to me, including that it hugs the coast and that as it’s small nowhere in the city or county is very far distant from the sea.

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Filed under Dublin, Ireland

Alix Gardner’s Cookery School

alix gardner

Alix Gardner’s first cookery lesson was with her mother when she learnt to master the art of making a cheese souffle. Alix’s mother was a good cook who had attended the Cordon Bleu School in London. She was sent there, prior to her marriage, by her future husband who looked upon the not insubstantial fee outlay for the course, his bride to be took, as an investment. Different times.

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Filed under Dublin, Education, Food/Wine

Georgian Dublin: The Irish Landmark Trust

dublin georgian mews

I remember when I first read about the Irish Landmark Trust, even thought I cannot recall when or in what publication I saw the article, thinking its existence a most excellent idea. The Irish Landmark Trust (from now on, for simplicity sake, referred to as the ILT) says its raison d’être is threefold: to save, share and sustain. The ILT’s website explains that it’s a: ‘ not for profit organization that saves interesting, unusual and architecturally important properties throughout the island of Ireland. To ensure these properties have a sustainable future, they are given a new lease of life as self-catering holiday homes’.

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Filed under Dublin, Ireland, Travel

Cronuts at The Marker Hotel

the marker hotel cronut

Just in case you have been on planet Zog for the last little while and haven’t heard of the cronut furore, I will tell you that a cronut is a croissant-doughnut fusion. French pastry chef Dominique Ansel invented and perfected the hybrid breakfast pastry at his eponymous New York bakery.The cronut is also the latest food craze and that craze is spreading around the globe faster than the Starship Enterprise gobbles up light years.

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Filed under Cake, Dublin, Food/Wine, Hotels