Tag Archives: Healthy Living

Positive Eating: Dr Coy’s Health Foods

dr coy's health foods

I am not fanatical about my diet but in the main I try to eat in a healthy fashion so I aim to fill my shopping basket mostly with wholesome foods. There are certain items that I buy on repeat but I am willing to experiment.

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Filed under Food/Wine, Healthy Living

How Should I Eat?

That is a question and three-quarters. We are bombarded at different levels, and on so many fronts, by information about food – from advertisers showcasing the wares of their industrial food-producing clients to a mass of TV programmes, and zillions of articles in newspapers, magazines or blogs about healthy nutritional and lifestyle choices.

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Filed under Food/Wine, Healthy Living

Do One Thing Today (dott) App

dott graphic

It feels strange, nay even a little astonishing, in our connected by a tangled web of internet and social media virtual world to find out about something new and interesting in an old-fashioned conversational way. And it was in a conversational fashion that I found out about a health and fitness app called Do One Thing Today (dott).

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Filed under Healthy Living

Dieting and Detoxing (sort of)

Dieting apparently makes you fat and yes I mostly agree that it does. But, I also think the only sure-fire way to lose weight is to eat less. And lose some weight I must. It’s not that I am an uber-tubby heffalump, just that some of my winter clothes don’t fit me anymore – exhibit A is a much-loved black jacket that maddeningly I am no longer able to button up. I know that a horrid malign fairy hasn’t cast a malicious spell which caused my clothes to shrink. Rather I have eaten too much or I should say too much of the wrong sorts of food – exhibits B to Z are various slices of cake mostly of the coffee kind. So what I need to do is to change my eating habits to healthier ones and hopefully in the process lose a little weight.

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Filed under Healthy Living, Musings

Disconnected Days

The day before I headed to Cloona (for details of my stay there see the previous post) I read an article in the Irish Times by Pico Iyer, originally published in the New York Times as, ‘The Joy of Quite’, – (to read it click here )) which examined our plugged-in-infomation-overloaded-lives. He suggests that the future of travel may well lie in ‘black hole resorts’ where it will not be possible to go online and where there will be no televisions in the rooms.

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Filed under Healthy Living, Musings

Cloona: Health Retreat Centre

Cloona, Cloona health retreat, Daragh Kelly

I arrived home yesterday from a six-day sojourn in Cloona, a health retreat centre in the West of Ireland.  Now that I am safely home, I realize that my decision to go to Clonna was one of the best, if not the best, that I made in the past twelve months.

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Filed under Healthy Living, Ireland

♥ Vegetarian Supper

My five-day detox in June (see here) left me feeling so energized that I decided to devote this week to another dose of healthy eating.  The ideal was no wheat, dairy, sugar, alcohol, caffeine or meat.  I have to confess that I racked up: one coffee, a few cups of tea with *whispers* milk, a delicious square of apricot sponge cooked by a friend and oh two glasses of wine this evening.  Oops.  I don’t feel too bad about my breakouts as in the main this week eats were über healthy.  Tonight I made a dish that I have christened, roasted vegetable, goat’s cheese and chickpea bake.  Here’s the recipe, which makes two/three portions.


One small onion finely chopped

400g can of chopped tomatoes

Two cloves of garlic very finely chopped

Handful of basil

Two medium courgettes cut into bite sized chunks

Two red peppers cut into bite sized chunks

70g goat’s cheese diced

Handful of chopped walnuts

Half the contents of a 410g can of chick peas drained and washed

2 handfuls of breadcrumbs (I used spelt bread)

Grated zest of one lemon

Handful of parsley

Salt and pepper

Olive oil


First pre heat the oven to 180°C.  Saute the onion in a frying pan in some olive oil until translucent, then add the garlic and cook for a further two minutes (don’t be tempted to throw the garlic in at the start, as garlic burns easily).  Add the tin of tomatoes with salt and pepper to taste and leave to simmer over a low heat for thirty minutes, towards the end of the thirty minutes throw in the handful of basil leaves.  When the thirty minutes are up, take the pan off the hob and allow to cool for a few minutes before whizzing to a smooth sauce in a food processor.  Taste and adjust the seasoning as necessary, if the sauce is too acidic you might like to add a teaspoon or so of sugar.  While the sauce is simmering on the hob toss the chopped vegetables in olive oil and put them in a roasting tin and pop in the oven until the vegetables are soft  (approx 30- 40 minutes).  When the vegetables are cooked, mix in the diced goat’s cheese, chickpeas and chopped walnuts and gently fold in the tomatoe sauce.  Make the topping by mixing the chopped parsley and lemon zest into the breadcrumbs.  Transfer the vegetable, chickpea and goat’s cheese mix into  a baking dish, top  with the breadcrumb mix and place in the oven until heated through (approx 20 – 25 minutes).

This dish was an experiment and it tasted good but next time I think I will try adding a couple of tablespoons of pesto to the tomatoe sauce.

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Filed under Food/Wine, Healthy Living, Recipes