Tag Archives: Irish Blog

Blogging: Writing Posts

desk and macbook

The years can gallop by at an alarming rate with some traversing the calendar faster than a cheetah charging across the savanna. Incredibly (well to me at least) JAA is now two; well strictly speaking two and a bit as I published my first post on the first of March 2011.

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Filed under Musings

Trip to Kilkenny

Kilkenny castle

I am back. Back blogging that is. I am also back from Kilkenny a lovely and vibrant inland city in the south-east of Ireland. And no, I was not sequestered in Kilkenny for the duration of my blogging break, just for a few days last weekend.

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Filed under Craft, Ireland, Travel

An Instagrammed January and a Blogging Break


January was a chilly month unless, of course, you live in the Southern Hemisphere. Chilly is relative but used as I am to Ireland’s temperate climate I felt the cold bite as temperatures dropped to zero or a little below. Brrr.

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Filed under Musings

Sunday in Dublin

fountain in st stephen's green

Ye gods and little fishes, the weeks of January are cascading rapidly into each other and the month is whizzing by almost as fast as a waterfall flowing swiftly down a steep ravine. I realised that it is nearly January’s end and I had not yet spend a day at leisure in town (town as I mentioned before is what native Dubliners call the centre of their city). Time to rectify that so today I headed townward.

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Filed under Culture, Dublin, Restaurants/Cafés

Baking: Chocolate Scones

chocolate scones

One perennial on my annual to-do list is to eat in a healthy fashion. It’s not that my diet is intrinsically unhealthy just that it is forever in need of a little tweaking. Eating in a healthy fashion is a rather nebulous notion so I have honed in on just a few things I would like to do. One is to drink more water, more wheat grass juice and more blueberry smoothies. When I say more I am going to aim for an achievable one litre of water per day, two to three shots of wheatgrass juice per week and the occasional blueberry smoothie. The other change I would like to make is to dissolve my enduring belief that foodstuffs are divided into the good and the bad. In other words so long as I don’t overdo it I am not going to beat myself up for indulging in the occasional not-so-uber-healthy treat.

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Filed under Recipes

Looking Forward to 2013

scotsman bay sandycove dublin

It’s a week since the bells pealed to ring out the old year and in the new one; we are now a few paces over the border and in the foothills of 2013. And so we have started another annual three hundred and sixty-five day march up hill and down dale as we seesaw across the scattered peaks and troughs that will surely litter the landscape of our lives this coming year.

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Filed under Musings

Christimas. Carnations. Prejudice

red carnations

I am not sure of the genesis of my somewhat irrational dislike of carnations but I am reasonably certain that my carnation prejudice couldn’t be innate. The best I could come up with was that at some impressionable age I had read one of those lists which decree what’s cool and what’s not and that the list had declared flower-wise that carnations were totally infra dig. Or maybe I just didn’t like the look of them. Of course the fact that the ubiquitous carnation is a staple in deli-counter and garage bunches of flowers has probably not helped their case. So, for me, a perfectly lovely bunch of flowers which had one or two carnations woven through became a thing of non-beauty once I spotted said carnations.

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Filed under Musings