Category Archives: Craft

Arran St East Shop and Studio


Until quite recently I worked weekends which meant I often missed interesting events as more often than not they were scheduled for Saturdays and Sundays when the majority of folk were off work.

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Filed under Craft, Dublin, Shops/Shopping

Lately …

christine redmond photograph

Apologies for the quality of some of the images in this post. I wish I could blame my ‘second-best camera’ but the faults are all mine!

Last week, a couple of months into my photography course, I had a week off college. It’s such an aeon, almost the first ice age, since my school and student days that truly I cannot remember if half-term featured back in the day when I was last glued (not) to text books.

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Filed under Craft, Musings, Photography, Restaurants/Cafés

Irish Craft Portfolio Exhibition


Jewellery by Rachel McKnight

Note: Apologies for the poor quality of some of the images, I am not sure what I did wrong!

I love craft in its very many incarnations: so, it was as sure as the tide going in and out that I would go to see an exhibition at the RHA (Royal Hibernian Academy), put together by the Craft Council of Ireland, to showcase the work of Ireland’s top makers.

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Filed under Craft

Makers & Brothers & Others

makers & brothers

I don’t doubt that, half a century hence, when someone sits down to write the annals of design in Ireland in the early part of the twenty-first century that the names of Jonathan and Mark Legge will be writ large in that history.

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Filed under Craft, Designers, Dublin, Food/Wine, Shops/Shopping

Out and About Last Weekend

farmhouse cheese - corleggy

Last Saturday blithely ignoring that it was the sort of grim rain-sodden day that makes venturing outdoors foolhardy, I decided to go to the farmers’ market (Saturdays 10am to 4pm) at Kilruddery House, a historic house in County Wicklow that has been home to the Earls of Meath since the early 17th century.

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Filed under Craft, Dublin

Bennettsbridge: Nicholas Mosse Pottery

nicholas mosse bennettsbridge

It might seem slightly bonkers, given that I had driven for nearly two hours, to pull in for a coffee break just a few miles short of my destination. But that’s exactly what I did on my recent trip to Kilkenny city when I stopped in the pretty village of Bennettsbridge which is only four miles from the city.

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Filed under Craft, Ireland, Restaurants/Cafés, Travel

Trip to Kilkenny

Kilkenny castle

I am back. Back blogging that is. I am also back from Kilkenny a lovely and vibrant inland city in the south-east of Ireland. And no, I was not sequestered in Kilkenny for the duration of my blogging break, just for a few days last weekend.

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Filed under Craft, Ireland, Travel

Showcase Ireland 2013

showcase ireland 2013

On Tuesday I went to Showcase Ireland the annual trade fair organized by the Craft Council of Ireland which exhibits the best and most innovative of Irish craft, design and manufacturing to both Irish and international buyers. Regretfully I had limited time so I speed around trying to take it all in but as there were hundreds of exhibitors I only absorbed a tiny fraction of what was on view. One thing however that stood out for me, as much as a skyscraper would on a road otherwise filled with bungalows, was the extraordinary passion and enthusiasm of all the exhibitors I spoke to for what they do.

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Filed under Craft, Designers, Ireland, Jewellery

Christmas on The Square: Pop-Up Shop

christmas on the square

As Christmas fast approaches my native land is not exactly a place high on hope as the dastardly pantomime villain Economic Woe and his evil side-kick Recession hold fast their icy grasp on this fiscally challenged isle. A troika of wise (?) men visit us regularly but instead of bearing gifts of gold (if only) frankincense and myrrh they bring instead directives for the implementation of austerity measures from their (and our!) masters at the IMF. Yet, despite all that, when I went, this Saturday, to visit the pop up shop that was part of Christmas on the Square I came away filled with hope.

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Filed under Craft, Designers, Dublin

Shopping in Dublin: Cleo

cleo - kildare street

Cleo is an independent shop, located on the ground floor of a Georgian town house on Dublin’s Kildare Street, that sells clothes and a range of gift items. Cleo specializes in clothes and hand-knits made from natural Irish fibres such as: wool, linen and tweed.

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Filed under Craft, Dublin, Shops/Shopping