Tag Archives: Grammar

Grammar: Between You and Me

Between you and I: Confessions of a Comma Queen

One of the  most enjoyable things I have done of late was to go to a talk, given by Mary Norris, at Dublin’s Italian Institute of Culture.

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Filed under Books

♥ Grammar Glamour

Beware, if you are thinking of starting a blog it may change your life in ways you least expect.  I had no idea when I set up Just Add Attitude that writing it would pique an interest in grammar and punctuation.   In an earlier post I talked about using Lynn Truss’s book, Eats, Shoots & Leaves to help improve my shaky grasp of the rules of punctuation.  However I am still wondering if the sentences I string together are grammatical correct, I am still struggling with the comma and I am still trying to come to grips with the correct use of the semicolon.

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Filed under Books, Musings

♥ Editor’s manual

Two of the many things I worried about when I was setting up this blog were grammar and punctuation.  They have never been my strong points.   Regular readers  my regular reader (Hello Mum) will undoubtedly have spotted enough errors to keep a gaggle of grammarians and a myriad of punctuation sticklers  spluttering for hours.

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Filed under Books, Musings