Tag Archives: Irish Craft

On the Trail of a Tweed Project Triangular Scarf.

Back at the end of August, when I was in Sligo for a short break, the days were long, languid, and warm. Now inky darkness descends at around five o’clock and there is a distinct autumnal chill in the air. I need to rummage through my scarf drawer, before I leave the house, for something to wrap around my neck as a bulwark against the cold.

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Filed under Designers, Fashion, Ireland

Arran St East Shop and Studio


Until quite recently I worked weekends which meant I often missed interesting events as more often than not they were scheduled for Saturdays and Sundays when the majority of folk were off work.

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Filed under Craft, Dublin, Shops/Shopping

Trip to Kilkenny

Kilkenny castle

I am back. Back blogging that is. I am also back from Kilkenny a lovely and vibrant inland city in the south-east of Ireland. And no, I was not sequestered in Kilkenny for the duration of my blogging break, just for a few days last weekend.

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Filed under Craft, Ireland, Travel

Shopping in Dublin: Cleo

cleo - kildare street

Cleo is an independent shop, located on the ground floor of a Georgian town house on Dublin’s Kildare Street, that sells clothes and a range of gift items. Cleo specializes in clothes and hand-knits made from natural Irish fibres such as: wool, linen and tweed.

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Filed under Craft, Dublin, Shops/Shopping

Makers and Brothers

It is so very seldom that I walk into any sort of retail space and think to myself wow this is just so right. But I did when I went to see Makers & Brothers pop-up shop the weekend before last. Makers & Brothers is such a good name because it so perfectly describes the enterprise. Mark and Jonathan Legge are the brothers: the makers are a selection of craftspeople and designers whose products the brothers sell.

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Filed under Craft, Designers, Ireland, Shops/Shopping