Tag Archives: Cooking

Berry Foraging and Jam Making

killuddery house

One thing leads to another. Inevitability. So, when I checked the Kilruddery website, immediately after my August visit to the house and garden, I discovered that a berry foraging and jam making session led by Ed Hick was scheduled for Sunday the 21st September. And as I thought it was the type of event I might enjoy I promptly booked a place.

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Filed under Food/Wine, Recipes

Saint-Émilion au Chocolat

chocolate desert

Gosh, one month melds so rapidly into the next and before you know it the just-begun year is more than half over. Time does indeed fly: Easter now feels as distant as the outer reaches of the solar system yet was only three months ago. Now that summer has hit its stride Easter also seems like a different planet, one where the days were colder and central heating was needed as a talisman against the evening chill.

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Filed under Food/Wine, Recipes

Baking: Chocolate Scones

chocolate scones

One perennial on my annual to-do list is to eat in a healthy fashion. It’s not that my diet is intrinsically unhealthy just that it is forever in need of a little tweaking. Eating in a healthy fashion is a rather nebulous notion so I have honed in on just a few things I would like to do. One is to drink more water, more wheat grass juice and more blueberry smoothies. When I say more I am going to aim for an achievable one litre of water per day, two to three shots of wheatgrass juice per week and the occasional blueberry smoothie. The other change I would like to make is to dissolve my enduring belief that foodstuffs are divided into the good and the bad. In other words so long as I don’t overdo it I am not going to beat myself up for indulging in the occasional not-so-uber-healthy treat.

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Filed under Recipes

Baking: Tomatoe and Chilli Tart

If you read the post immediately preceding this one you will now that, for the month of November, I am on a sort-of-a-detox and a sort-of-a-diet (hereinafter known as a double SOAD). Strangely since I started said double SOAD food hasn’t dominated my thoughts nor have I obsessed for a nano-second about some mega-meal I might eat on the first of December when I have finished the double SOAD.

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Filed under Food/Wine, Recipes

♥ Bastille Day Madeleines

Tomorrow, Bastille Day is the French national holiday; it commemorates the storming of the infamous Bastille prison on 14th July 1789 by disgruntled revolutionaries. The rebels took the Bastille and that event became a symbol of The French Revolution. Tomorrow all of France will be en fête; I decided to celebrate from afar by baking some madeleines.

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Filed under Cake, Celebrations, France, Recipes